Best Way to Consume Magic Mushrooms


Are mushrooms legal in Canada this 2022? If you want medicinal mushrooms for depression, then the answer is yes. It’s now legal for adult Canadians qualified for inclusion in a list of exempted individuals to use psychedelic mushrooms for medical and therapeutic purposes. The Canadian government recently legalized, decriminalized and implemented regulatory policies for magic mushrooms in experimental medical research and therapeutic use cases. There are psychological and psychiatric treatment procedures available today all around the country called psilocybin therapy.

But how can you get the best mental benefits of mushrooms? When we dropped this question to several Canadian research groups and medical scientists with decades of specialized expertise in psychedelics for medicinal and therapeutic applications, they told us that this, of course, depends on many conditional factors.

And are specific ways to use these psychedelics much better than other methods? For example, can you get different mushroom drug effects on the brain when you consume these psychedelics in particular ways? And, are Golden Teacher mushrooms better than other psychedelic mushrooms for specific groups of Canadians? These are some of the most pressing questions we asked the local scientific communities and research groups that helped us develop this guide.

Then, we packaged everything we learned about medicinal mushrooms for depression and the answers from the community for questions like are psilocin pills legal in this simple to understand, easy to follow guide. We also tackled in deeper depth interesting stuff like mushroom side effects on health, the average number of mushroom deaths per year in the country and mushroom pills for anxiety, among other fascinating topics about these psychedelics. Plus, we combed through a detailed list of hallucinogenic fungi examples. We carefully analyzed published Johns Hopkins mushroom study dosage results to determine if there are indeed better ways to use magic mushrooms.

And found below is an outline of the sections in this guide. We divided the content we shared here into simpler to skim, easily digestible portions. This way, you’ll be able to quickly skip a section and conveniently jump to another that’s more meaningful to what’s in your mind right now. Dig right in!

2022 Guide to the Best Ways to Use Medicinal Mushrooms for Depression

First, we start with a section dedicated to explaining how you can get the best mental benefits of mushrooms. Here, we also discuss in much deeper depth our straightforward answers to exciting questions about mushroom drug effects on the brain, how the compounds of these psychedelics work when ingested into the human body, mushroom side effects on health and others. Our objective is to arm you with more than enough science-backed knowledge to help you make quicker, more informed decisions during relevant situations.

Second, the next section in our guide to the best methods for using medicinal mushrooms for depression contains our carefully curated selection of different ways to consume magic mushrooms. And of course, we also provide detailed information about each of these well-known ways. This includes the pros and cons of each, based on particular use cases and specific results that certain groups of Canadian psychonauts all around the country want for their psychedelic experience.

Third, we dedicated this section to simple to understand discussions about certain hallucinogenic fungi examples like the most salient benefits of Golden Teacher mushrooms. We also provide our take on relevant published Johns Hopkins mushroom study dosage results of medical and therapeutic clinical trials for the past several years. This is to supplement the stuff you’ve learned at this point from our guide, providing you with more value. At the same time, you shop around for the most suitable psychedelic mushroom products out there today for your particular preferences and physiological condition.

You’re also recommended to check out our variety of shroom products. These are top-quality products that are certified safe and beneficial by some of the top laboratories in the country today.

Fourth, this is a section where we share complementary up-to-date information regarding our straightforward answers to questions like whether psilocin pills are legal in the country today, the number of mushroom deaths per year locally and internationally, and whether mushrooms are legal in Canada 2022 and so on. We also share exciting stuff about mushroom pills for anxiety that are available in licensed dispensaries and eCommerce stores all around the country this year. And, here are other Psychedelics that might interest you.

And fifth, we dedicate this section to other commonly asked questions from the local Canadian psychonaut community about psychedelics in general and medicinal mushrooms for depression and anxiety in particular. Plus, we share tips and highly recommended ways to make your psychedelic experience safer and more enjoyable in this section.

And the content of these sections is the result of our extensive research and thorough tests, which we, of course, performed in controlled environments. We also used what we learned from our months of constant back and forth dialogue with grassroots communities of psychonauts all around the country and scientific research networks at Canada’s top universities and laboratories today. These are exciting anecdotes and fascinating science-backed data.

Plus, we did some final touches to our guide to make everything quick to read, easy to skim and simple to understand. This way, you’ll be able to jump to the section that matters most to you at any moment. So dig right in!

How to Get the Best Mental Benefits of Mushrooms

First, you’re advised to consult a medical professional in your area with specialized expertise in facilitating psilocybin therapies with medicinal mushrooms for depression, anxiety or hard to overcome addictions. These use cases would, of course, be dependent on the benefits that you want from your psychedelic experience. And these experts are in the best position to determine the most suitable type of psychedelic mushroom for your particular target use case and current physiological condition.

They’ll also be able to run tests for accurately determining if you’re highly likely to have adverse reactions. Remember, you could have allergies to the most suitable types of magic mushrooms for the specific benefits that you want. Or, the current state of your body and mind, along with any other medication that you’re currently taking, might produce detrimental effects to your health and well-being when mixed with the naturally occurring compounds in magic mushrooms.

Second, your body needs to have sufficient energy reserves before using medicinal mushrooms for depression or any variant of edible magic mushrooms for therapeutic and recreational use. That’s because the naturally occurring compounds of these psychedelic mushrooms interact not just with the transient and permanent receptors of the human CNS (central nervous system) but also with your body’s other organic systems. Remember, it gets into your bloodstream once you digest it. And when that happens, it reaches and interacts with the different parts of your body.

So your body needs to use up energy to process those surplus interactions. Keep in mind your body might be familiar with processing certain types of food and beverage that you regularly consume. But because not too many Canadians we talked to say they regularly use magic mushrooms at a frequency similar to how they eat and drink regular food and beverages daily, your body might need more time and energy to process psychedelic mushrooms.

And your body also uses up energy to flush out toxins and other elements it believes wouldn’t be helpful but might even pose a serious risk to your health and well-being. And this happens each time you put something in your body and bloodstream. So by introducing something that your body doesn’t have years of familiarity and tolerance to, such as magic mushrooms, it’s pretty axiomatic that your body needs to use more energy resources to do this correctly.

Of course, we verified these things with the Canadian medical professionals and research experts in the networks that helped us develop this guide. They told us that this makes sense and is supported by plenty of science-backed evidence drawn from their years of clinical trials and lab tests on psychedelic mushrooms, among other types of medical, therapeutic and recreational substances.

This means by ensuring that you’ve had sufficient food before using magic mushrooms, then it’ll be quicker and easier for your body to do the stuff mentioned earlier. And this, in turn, enables you to maximize the mental benefits of mushroom drug effects on the brain.

However, note that “sufficient” doesn’t mean “plenty.” So as a general rule, eat a few hours liberally before you intend to use magic mushrooms. More than an hour or so between your last light meal and when you ingest psychedelic mushrooms is, in most instances, the recommended approach.

Third, don’t forget that your body uses water to aid your digestive and excretory systems. That, of course, helps in flushing out toxins and other elements present in the magic mushroom edibles you ingested. And keep in mind, there is other important stuff going on inside your body where water is constantly needed.

So you’re bound to enjoy the benefits of magic mushrooms by ensuring that you drink plenty of water not just before you take medicinal mushrooms for depression and anxiety but also while you’re tripping on these psychedelics. And you’re advised to have a water bottle filled and handy at all times as you go through your psychedelic experience.

Fourth, making sure that you have sufficient energy reserves also means you should’ve had enough restful sleep before you use magic mushrooms. Remember, a more relaxed body and mind allow for sharper perception and smoother cognition. This, in turn, helps prevent experiencing bouts of depression and lethargy. At the same time, your trip on psychedelics, especially at the crashing phase, where its psychoactive and hallucinogenic effects start to wear off.

All of the medical experts and research scientists we asked about this say this is almost always the case when using substances with mild to moderate intoxicating effects. Your current physiological state, especially your mind, needs to be relaxed, defragmented and free from worries before you take these psychedelics.

Fifth, you should stay within a controlled environment at all times. Make sure to do this before and after taking magic mushrooms. This requires you to plan before deciding to use these psychedelics or any other substance with intoxicating and hallucinogenic effects.

You’re advised to do this because you’ll be able to design your environment to promote and nurture the psychedelic experience you want. For example, suppose you intend to take medicinal mushrooms for depression. Many Canadian medical professionals with specialized expertise in facilitating psilocybin therapies for patients with mild to moderate depression recommend playing light content like soft music or funny movies that the individual finds relaxing, comforting, and entertaining.

They also recommend checking and removing from your controlled environment any object that might pose a risk to your health and well-being as well as those within your immediate vicinity. Instead, some advise placing illustrations and drawings or colorful visuals that depict soothing landscapes and calming scenes. But of course, go with colors that tend to trigger happy memories and positively inspire thoughts in your mind.

This, of course, also helps you prevent, if not eliminate, risks of accidents and unpredictable situations. Don’t forget that most mushroom deaths per year in Canada and the rest of the world are primarily caused by accidents like slips and falls due to individuals high on psychedelics going around unfamiliar environments while having an altered perception of time and space.

And sixth, knowing the correct dose ideal for your current tolerance levels and present-day physiological condition will undoubtedly improve your chances of getting the best mental benefits of mushrooms. This is almost always the case when using mushroom pills for anxiety or medicinal mushrooms for depression, among others.

You’re recommended to start with the smallest amount of psilocybin possible. Consult a medical professional with considerable knowledge and experience in handling psilocybin therapies. Ask them to calculate the least possible magic mushroom dose that could provide you with the benefits you want from the psychedelic experience. They’ll be able to do this by factoring in your body weight, historical health records, current tolerance levels and physiological condition.

Also, you should be aware that many scientific tests and clinical trials recently performed by Canadian research groups and medical scientists at the country’s top universities and laboratories indicate that microdosing on psychedelic mushrooms is positive benefits to the majority of individuals who participated in these controlled evaluations. And the same experts say they’re getting similar positive results when microdosing on psychedelic mushrooms, even at a more regular frequency.

Consumption Methods — What’s the Best Way to Use Magic Mushrooms?

And we now tackle various ways to use psychedelic mushrooms at this point in our guide to the best methods for using medicinal mushrooms for depression and anxiety or for helping treat challenging to break habits and hard to overcome addictions like alcohol abuse and gambling problems, among others. And here are the methods that got the highest votes this year from our fellow Canadian psychonauts:

Magic Mushroom Chocolate Bars

Topping our list of the different ways to use psychedelic mushrooms is through delectable chocolate bars infused with carefully calibrated amounts of psilocybin. Many of the Canadian psychonauts in the communities that helped us create this guide say this continues to be their favorite method of getting high on magic mushrooms.

Some of the same individuals told us they tend to enjoy much better mental benefits through this method than others in most instances. And a lot of them believe this might be the combination of premium grade cacao and top quality Golden Teacher mushroom variants in their favorite mushroom chocolate bars.

There are lots of mushroom chocolate bars for sale in the country today. Keep in mind to learn more about each mushroom chocolate bar Canada brand in your shortlist before using any of their products. Buying only from producers and stores that have been certified by the Canadian government is highly advised for obvious reasons.

Plus, keep in mind that these mushroom chocolate bars’ psychedelic and hallucinogenic effects typically kick in 60 to 90 minutes after eating them. This is attributed to the fact that the psilocybin content of these mushroom chocolate bars needs to be digested entirely then naturally converted by your body into psilocyn before it goes into your bloodstream. And a mushroom trip usually lasts for 8 to 12 hours or so when taken through ingestion. That’s also because your body needs this time to completely process psilocyn in your bloodstream while it’s interacting with certain transient and permanent receptors in your CNS.

Psychedelic Mushroom Tea

The method for ingesting magic mushrooms that got the second highest votes this year from our fellow Canadian psychonauts is through brewed tea. This is where dried psychedelic mushrooms are crushed or minced and sometimes ground then brewed as tea and other herbs for taste, flavor and aroma.

Many of those who voted for this method say it takes out the mouldy taste they don’t want in their magic mushrooms. And they also shared their experience of ending up with a tea that didn’t have any effect because they turned up the heat too high while brewing. So you’re advised to avoid boiling your brew because too much heat kills the psilocybin compounds of psychedelic mushrooms.

Like mushroom chocolate bars, using magic mushrooms in tea takes around 60 to 90 minutes before its effects kick in. And, its high ordinarily lasts for about 8 to 12 hours. That’s because the tea needs to go through the standard digestive process before psilocybin is converted into psilocyn then mixed with your bloodstream.

Mushroom Pills and Capsules

There are licensed dispensaries in Canada today that offer mushroom pills for anxiety and depression. These are also known as psilocyn pills and capsules. But some of our fellow Canadian psychonauts told us that they prefer to make their mushroom pills.

The same individuals voted on this method as their favorite way to use magic mushrooms. Many of them said they find this as a more convenient way to take microdoses and get the high they want without spending a lot of time tripping on these psychedelics. Meanwhile, some of those who opt to make their own told us that they use empty capsules, a grinder and a capsule machine to do this. They load the empty capsules onto their capsule machines, grind dried psychedelic mushrooms, put them in the capsule machine, and start it up. Note that these capsule machines come in 2 types: mechanical and electronic.

When we tested mushroom capsules that we made on our own, we noticed that this process takes out its mouldy taste. And that’s when we clearly understood why our fellow Canadian psychonauts kept on telling us that this process makes using psychedelic mushrooms palatable for them. And when we tried out the top quality psilocyn pills for anxiety and depression from our preferred Canadian eCommerce stores, it was also tasteless.

Because this is similar to ingesting magic mushrooms through chocolate bars and tea, our psychedelic trip lasted for 8 to 12 hours on average. And we felt hallucinogenic and psychedelic effects 60 to 90 minutes after popping these capsules and pills.

Edibles with Psychedelic Mushroom Tinctures

Cannabis tinctures made from buds and leaves of hemp and marijuana plants, along with food-grade solutions like alcohol, have been rapidly growing in popularity all around Canada for the past several months. And this also caught up with lots of our fellow Canadian psychonauts. They’re making psychedelic mushroom tinctures by simply soaking crushed or ground dried magic mushrooms in a food-grade alcohol solution, leaving it to sit for a day or so, and straining the solution to isolate the liquid from the soaking dried mushrooms. They then use this liquid as microdose drops.

However, they warned that it’s pretty tricky to accurately calibrate the most suitable psilocybin dose for your preferences through tinctures, especially if it’s your first time to make these on your own. With this, they recommend commercially available mushroom tinctures in licensed dispensaries and stores all around Canada today. That’s because these products go through thorough evaluations and careful calibrations before they’re packaged as supplements and the like.

Many individuals say they mix psychedelic mushroom tincture drops with the sauces and condiments like honey that they often use to finish off their favorite culinary treats and recipes. They again warned us not to mix these tincture drops while the recipe is still cooking under considerable heat. And that’s because, as mentioned earlier, too much heat breaks up the psilocybin content of these magic mushrooms, rendering them useless in terms of providing any hallucinogenic or psychedelic effect.

Based on our recent tests, we felt psychedelic and hallucinogenic effects 60 to 90 minutes on average after eating recipes infused with magic mushroom tinctures. And, our high lasted for 10 to 12 hours on average.

Lemon Tek

Preferred by some of the most adventurous psychonauts in the local communities that helped us develop our guide to the best ways to use medicinal mushrooms for depression and anxiety, lemon tek got sufficient votes to be included in the top 5 most recommended methods for using magic mushrooms. Through this method, it’s highly likely for you to feel much stronger psychedelic and hallucinogenic effects.

When we asked the medical experts in our local network about this, they told us that the acid in the lemon used to soak magic mushrooms produces effects that seem to intensify the potency of the psychoactive compounds in magic mushrooms. And that’s also why they advised us to cut our regular dose down to half when doing this. They said we wouldn’t just feel stronger effects, but our high will usually last much longer, too.

What we did was use lemon juice to soak dried psychedelic mushrooms. Then, we left it to sit for a couple of hours. We also tested lime juice and experienced similar strong psychedelic and hallucinogenic effects.

But we noticed that across our many tests, we felt the effects much faster than the other methods described here. Instead of the average 60 to 90 minutes, it took around half an hour to ingest magic mushrooms. But because we used microdoses, our high lasted for shorter periods, usually around 6 to 10 hours.

FAQs About Magic Mushrooms & Different Ways to Use These Psychedelics

At this point in our guide to the best methods for using medicinal mushrooms for depression and anxiety among other tested use cases, we want to provide quick, straightforward answers to some of the most pressing questions that many of our fellow Canadian psychonauts fielded to us while we were developing this guide. So here goes:

Should You Smoke or Vape Magic Mushrooms?

We don’t recommend this. It won’t do you any good to vape or smoke these psychedelics. Some of our fellow Canadian psychonauts told us they’re interested in trying these methods to get high on magic mushrooms.

A few of them even tried to do this already. Some spread crushed and ground dried mushrooms onto tobacco and weed. Others used psychedelic mushroom tinctures as drops for their vape pens. But all of them told us they didn’t feel any psychedelic or hallucinogenic effect after doing this.

When we consulted a couple of Canadian medical professionals with significant experience in designing and facilitating clinical trials and lab tests for exploring the therapeutic benefits of these magic mushrooms, they told us that heating these psychedelics wouldn’t make sense. That’s because, as we also mentioned earlier, too much heat kills the psychoactive components of these magic mushrooms.

What Are Magic Mushrooms?

For first-timers or beginners in the world of magic mushrooms and psychedelics, the scientific name of these herbs is psilocybin cubensis. This is edible fungi. And its psychoactive component is called psilocybin. When ingested into the human body, this is converted into psilocyn. And when this goes into your bloodstream, you’ll feel certain psychedelic and hallucinogenic effects.

What Are the Effects of Psychedelic Mushrooms?

Generally speaking, sufficient evidence indicates that the psychological effects of magic mushrooms can range from cerebral elevation and bouts of creative inspiration to deeper introspection and more intense concentration. Meanwhile, some reports show that many individuals also feel certain hallucinogenic effects after consuming magic mushrooms. And, lots of medical professionals told us that this is usually attributed to the altered perception of time and space that can be brought about by the ingestion of psilocybin and psilocyn in the bloodstream.

Can Magic Mushrooms be Used for Treating Anxiety and Panic Attacks?

There are published reports drawn from recent lab tests and clinical trials about the benefits of mushroom pills for anxiety. The same reports also indicate similar benefits for helping manage panic attacks. Some of the medical experts we consulted about this told us that this can be attributed to the calming effects of psilocyn on the body and mind. However, they also informed us that this isn’t the case with a few individuals, especially those with existing mental health conditions like clinical depression.

And this concludes our guide to the best ways to use psychedelic and medicinal mushrooms for depression and anxiety, among other target applications. You’re advised to use this as reference material to freshen up your memory on the stuff that we shared here. Just go back to the section that interests you.

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