End of March Canna News Round Up


There is always something new going on in the wonderful world of cannabis- and if you look away from your newspaper or computer screen long enough to roll a joint or do some dabs, you are likely to miss some of it – so as a service to visitors to an online weed dispensary we provide this monthly roundup of the cannabis related news Canadian canna fans should be aware of!  First, in BC a First Nation’s man is making the claim that the United Nations declaration means he doesn’t have to ask the government’s permission to sell marijuana. As Canadians grapple with the question of who can legally sell cannabis under the law, it’s a shame to realize that the penalties for even medical use of marijuana are strong- people lose their jobs and even their freedoms.  Many people are still arrested for use of weed regularly. This week a teacher in Florida was fired for use of medical cannabis, which is crazy since medical marijuana has been legal in the state since 2016 – half a decade!  Meanwhile in the 519, some areas who said no to retail cannabis stores have changed their minds and are now changing their policies. Marketing experts are asking the government to change restrictive policies around advertising that affects cannabis industry manufacturers and retailers.  They are suggesting that alcohol advertising is a more appropriate model. Profit Confidential, an investment themed magazine, says that canna stocks profits are expected to double. NBA star Al Harrington is the latest to throw his name into the cannabis game – announcing that his weed product will soon be available here in Canada. And proving that even the big boys in finance, culture and religion are paying attention to the new popularity of cannabis now that stigma is reducing, Forbes magazine reporting on the question of whether cannabis can be kosher. 

It is interesting to see the way weed is now impacting every aspect of life.  Go team cannabis!  But we end on a big boo note – because the biggest cannabis news in March happened stateside.  The new President fired White House staffers who admitted to using cannabis – even though they had used it in legal states. Let’s hope the USA starts making more canna sense soon. 

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