LSD: Review & Effects


LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a long-acting psychoactive substance that changes and twists users’ perceptions and feelings. LSD, or more commonly Acid, can cause weird distortions in a person’s sense of reality, lasting up to 12 hours! It’s easy to see why LSD is so popular among the youth, but did you know that specialists have recently become fond of this psychedelic as well?

During the last decade, some scientists have begun to question traditional anti-drug notions. By undertaking clinical studies on LSD, they discovered that hallucinogens could help people with different physical and mental issues. Imagine taking your Wreck Beach Dancing Bears LSD 100 Mcg while also enjoying the health benefits of your trip. Surprised? Keep reading to learn about all you need to know about LSD, its effects, and its different uses.

What’s LSD: A Review

(The bold part could be put in a box or somewhere that divides it from the rest) 

Lysergic acid diethylamide is the generic name for LSD.

Common or street names include: Acid, Blotter, acid, Doses, Dots, Trips, Mellow Yellow, Window Pane, and other names based on the designs on sheets of blotter paper are among the more than 80 street names for LSD (for example, “purple dragon”).

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a highly potent hallucinogen that was first created in 1938. Not long after, in 1943, Dr. Hoffmann found remarkable evidence regarding the drug’s effects on the mind. After that, he marketed this drug as Delysid from 1947 until 1966. During that period, therapists used LSD to improve the efficacy of psychotherapy and treat psychiatric disorders like depression and alcoholism.

Next, beginning in the 1950s, the CIA and the US Army undertook studies to see whether they could use LSD to impose “mind control” on enemies. Recreational use of LSD only began around a decade later, during the 1960s.

LSD is synthetically manufactured from lysergic Acid. Lysergic Acid itself comes from the fungus ergot, which grows on rye and other grains. Dosing is usually in the microgram (mcg) range since this psychedelic is highly potent. Soon after people began using LSD for “fun,” the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) considered LSD a Schedule 1 drug and prohibited it in the United States.

Clearly, this shows that LSD has a high potential for abuse, plus no currently recognized medicinal therapies, as well as a lack of acceptable “safety for use under medical supervision.” However, that only made researchers more interested in the peculiar effects elicited by this drug. Some of the drug’s effects resemble symptoms associated with schizophrenia. These effects, commonly referred to as a “trip,” can be energizing, enjoyable, and mind-altering, or they can result in an unpleasant, sometimes terrifying experience known as a “bad trip.”

LSD Basics

According to the Gale Group, LSD is classified as a semisynthetic substance. The principal constituent of the medication, lysergic Acid, is a naturally occurring chemical found in rye seeds. LSD is a drug tied to the natural world since it’s rooted in natural elements rather than something created in a lab.

However, people who want to experience the drug’s effects can’t just eat rye seeds and hope for the best. A chemical technique is required to extract the seeds’ power. That method necessitates a significant amount of chemical energy and chemistry knowledge. Some of the substances utilized in the process could be deemed quite hazardous as well.

To sum it up, LSD production needs a thorough understanding of organic chemistry, a fully equipped laboratory (including the capacity to sterilize equipment and access to a dark room), and many compounds currently either prohibited or tightly controlled by the DEA. They’re not found in everyday household products, unlike the ingredients used in the manufacturing of, say, methamphetamine.

LSD can be made in a few different methods. And, Lysergic Acid could be the starting point for some “recipes.” Morning glory seeds, sometimes supplied with a poisonous coating to deter eating, are included in other online recipes. Because of its toxicity, LSD chemists must use extraordinary caution while working with ergot. The fungus must first be cultured, then go through a production process involving anhydrous hydrazine or chloroform.

That, or you can opt for a Wreck Beach Dancing Bears LSD 100 Mcg, or if you want a higher dose, go for Slippery Wizard Mayan LSD 125 Mcg. Simply shop online and enjoy your trip.

How Does LSD Look?

In its purest form, LSD is a white, odourless crystalline material. However, LSD is so potent that an effective dose of the pure drug is tiny; it’s almost undetectable. Consequently, it’s frequently mixed with other substances.

Drops of LSD solution dried onto gelatin sheets, bits of blotting paper, or sugar cubes are the most frequent form, releasing the drug when ingested. LSD is also available in liquid, pill, and capsule form. LSD is moreover on the market as liquid or microdots, which are microscopic pellets. You may find it interesting that liquid LSD (sometimes known as liquid Acid) has no taste. And, the taste of LSD tablets is not much better (they taste like paper).

Be careful, as sometimes what’s sold as LSD is another substance, such as NBOMe or a member of the 2C family of drugs (part of the new psychoactive substances). Because of their variable quality, these alternatives can be super dangerous. Taking too much of them can even be lethal, as evidenced by several reported deaths.

Why Do People Take Acid

People usually take LSD for social and recreational reasons rather than for self-medication. Some folks claim that hallucinogens have helped them understand themselves, their lives, and the nature of the cosmos.

Some gravitate towards LSD because of the numbing effects (similar to other narcotics and even overconsumption of alcohol). They do so because they have trouble managing stress, and LSD gives them a chance to escape their reality.

LSD users are famous for enjoying and valuing the increased spiritual awareness that comes with taking Acid. Hallucinogens provide a level of detachment from reality which comes with mystical visions. 

The effects of LSD might persist for several hours and be quite intense. Users commonly label their trips as ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ based on how joyful or distressing the experience was. Do note that there’s no way of predicting how you’ll feel or what kind of trip you’ll have when you take LSD. It’s also tough to control the effects once you’ve started tripping.

Unpredictability is the name of the game when it comes to LSD and hallucinogens. Chronic LSD users like the thrill of the unknown and the excitement of not knowing what’ll happen next. Hallucinogen use can be particularly unpleasant for anyone who dislikes uncertainty or is uncomfortable in settings where it is unclear what’ll transpire henceforth.

How Does it Feel the First Time You Take LSD?

While some common themes appear on each trip, people’s accounts differ on how LSD made them feel the first time. Some users claim they enjoy the unpredictability that comes with it. Others don’t like to experience a lengthy string of erratic symptoms, which might jeopardize their sense of judgment or awareness of their surroundings.

Your mindset before consuming LSD will play a significant role in your mental and physical state during the trips. Many claim their state of mind before consuming Acid dramatically affected their experience after taking it. For instance, stress or anxiety may induce feelings of paranoia and fear into the mind.

Of course, some others describe the experience as wildly exaggerated with bright colours, bursts, and even spiritual breakthroughs.

Effects of LSD

LSD’s bodily effects vary greatly from person to person. You’ll usually notice the drug’s first effects 30-45 minutes after taking it by mouth. The trip’s peak arrives around 2-4 hours later, and general effects may continue for 12 hours or longer. The intravenous (IV) method causes a much faster response, typically within 10 minutes, but has its downsides and side effects.

LSD can affect users in various ways, depending on:

Β· The user’s size, weight & health.

Β· Whether the individual is accustomed to taking Acid.

Β· Whether any other medications are mixed with LSD.

Β· The amount taken.

LSD Short Term & Quick Effects

The drug’s potency varies from batch to batch, and so do its effects.

LSD can cause various perceptual changes, most of which are related to vision, touch, emotions, and thought.

Vision: Bright, vibrant hues, fuzzy eyesight, distorted shapes and colours of objects and faces, and light halos are some visual impacts.

Touch: Shaking, tension, and lightheadedness are all touch-related body responses.

General Mood: Mood swings can lead to a feeling of euphoria, joy, calm, dreaminess, and heightened awareness, as well as despair, anxiety, and confusion. There could be a lot of mood fluctuations.

General Thoughts: Impact on thinking can cause a distorted sense of time, either rapid or slow, rushed ideas, unusual insight or frightening thoughts, and a sensation of transcendence.

Other short term effects of LSD on the body and mind include:

Β· Amplification of senses such as noises & smells.

Β· Distorted Sense of Time.

Β· Blending of sensations, such as “seeing” noises or “hearing” colours.

Β· The feeling that the mind is leaving the body.

Β· Impulsive & Rash Behavior.

Β· Quickly Changing motions.

Β· Mystical or Spiritual emotions

Β· Panic & Anxiety

Β· Flashbacks (a reappearance of the “trip” experience, days or months later).

Β· Increased body heat, fast heart rate, and high blood pressure\

Β· Enlarged Pupils

Β· Nausea 

Β· Loss of appetite

Β· High Blood Sugar

Β· Difficulty Sleeping

Β· Dry Mouth

Β· Tremors

LSD’s Long-Term Effects

The good news is since LSD isn’t physically addictive, physical withdrawal symptoms don’t occur after ceasing LSD use. However, psychological addiction and withdrawal symptoms might. One of the long-term risks of LSD is that it can cause long-term psychosis or schizophrenia in vulnerable people. After just one dose, flashbacks and extreme disorientation can occur as well. Such flashbacks can happen in people suffering from hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD).

When an LSD experience recurs, it usually manifests as a visual distortion with perceptual or emotional shifts. Flashbacks can occur weeks, months, or even years after you last took the substance. These flashbacks can be pretty upsetting, especially if they remind you of a terrifying encounter or hallucination.

Another thing you should be careful about is your tolerance for the drug. It’s common knowledge that LCD tolerance or the need to raise the dose so you can get the intended effect develops quickly. For example, if you take specific doses every day for three days in a row, there will be no reaction on the third day.

Flashbacks: Risks & Facts

The user may feel extreme anxiety or depression following an LSD trip and flashbacks (also known as hallucinogen persisting perception disorder), which are recurrences of the impacts of LSD days or even months after the last dose.

Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorders (HPPDs) or Flashbacks are uncommon, but they can occur after just one use of LSD. Individuals who take LSD for extensive periods or have a history of misusing various drugs may be more vulnerable to developing such conditions.

People who develop HPPD, also called “flashbacks,” have recurring experiences with symptoms identical to those seen after an LSD trip, even if they haven’t used the drug in a long time. Hallucinations and other visual distortions, such as halos or traces on moving objects, are examples of these symptoms.

HPPD symptoms can persist for weeks or even longer before going away on their own, and there’s no commonly accepted treatment for it. HPPD can be severe, last for ages, and have a substantial negative impact on other areas of the user’s life.

Visual disturbances, disordered thinking, paranoia, and mood swings can all be symptoms of Persistent Psychosis and can linger long after the drug has been stopped. While the cause of this condition is unknown, antidepressants and antipsychotics can sometimes be beneficial in managing the symptoms.

Good Trip vs. Bad Trip

While high on LSD, the danger comes from the “trip’s” unpredictability. As we mentioned before, this drug’s potency is inconsistent, and people react to it differently. The user’s thinking, environment, stress level, expectations, thoughts, and emotions when the substance is taken dramatically influence the effects of LSD on their body and mind. Hence, your experience will either be closer to a good trip or a bad trip.

A good trip can make you feel ecstatic, giddy, amazed by the people and things around you, energetic, motivated, and empathic. Feelings of well-being, joy, a sense of being outside one’s body, increased insight towards innovation, problem-solving, discovering a purpose, and mystical experiences are all possible effects of LSD as well. But, at the same time, things could go wrong.

For many, a “poor trip” is a nightmare come true. Users even compare it to a psychosis, one the person can’t get out of. Extreme fear, paranoia, a sense of disconnection from oneself, and the belief that one is dying or in hell may all happen. In severe cases, a bad trip can also trigger panic attacks, psychotic episodes, severe anxiety, delusion, pain, and a sense of dying or going insane.

Physical effects that are severe or life-threatening are only likely to occur at dosages above 400 mcg. However, psychological effects that can lead to unexpected and risky behaviour, which could end in serious injury, can happen at any time. Since users have no control over the quality of the drug, it’s difficult to predict the exact effects on the body and mind. Therefore, the least you can do is ensure that your blotter is of high quality and purity.

Coming Down + Afterglow

Coming down from an LCD trip will feel like you’re slowly re-entering Earth. After the lengthy trip, you may be exhausted and wish to sleep. If you take it in the evening, there’s a good chance that you’ll have a hard time sleeping all night, and you may not even feel the need to rest the following day. If you take it in the morning, then the effects will continue well into the night. 

The intensity of the signs will also begin to fade. The hallucinogenic effects will wear off with time until your sense of reality goes back to a level of normalcy. However, you need to take care of yourself physically and mentally during the trip, as things may go awry towards the finish line.

For instance, you may feel your body sweating excessively during the trip and feel the need to drink lots of water. Despite the dehydration, you need to drink water moderately because drinking too much can cause water intoxication. In addition, it’s advisable to avoid consuming caffeine, alcohol, or anything that can tangibly affect and even disrupt your mood and state of mind.

Try to put yourself in a relaxing state by listening to soothing music and letting the “aftereffects” slowly fade away. If possible, a good night’s sleep goes a long way in helping you recover from the trip and feel normal again.

How to Ride a Bad Trip

Anyone who has had a bad trip or found themselves unable to cope with the effects of hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD may wonder how they can end it. Although you won’t stop an acid trip, here are some guidelines to help you recognize symptoms and manage the sensations you could have during one.

Remember, It’s Not Real

Drugs that cause hallucinations can cause you to see, feel, and even hear distorted or unreal things. They can cause you to experience profound and real thoughts, exaggerated, out of context, or delusory. At the absolute least, remember that everything you’re experiencing is influenced by the substance you’re taking and is most likely not real.

Some hallucinations you see, hear or feel when on drugs may appear quite real, but they aren’t. Some of your thoughts may be insightful, while others may be out of context. The important thing is you shouldn’t act on what seems out of the ordinary. You’ll be in a far better position to deal with whatever comes up when the drug’s effects have worn off.

Be Smart, Stay Safe

Stay in areas where you have a low chance of injuring yourself. Avoid heights, traffic, water, and other potential hazards by remaining on familiar ground. You may have unusual urges and decide to try something that looked dangerous in the past but no longer appears to be risky. 

Don’t give in to such urges!

If you decide to go outside, make sure you have someone with you and not just anyone. It’s better if this person is someone you can trust and is preferably sober. Stick to quieter places where there aren’t many people, but make sure there’s help nearby if you need it.

Don’t Forget to Eat.

If you haven’t eaten in hours, especially if you’ve been overly active, your low blood sugar levels can affect your mood. Make sure you’ve had enough fluids (but not too much) and try to eat something.

Since chewing can be difficult while on hallucinogens, consider something soft and simple to consume and digest, like pudding or ice cream, if you can’t tolerate chewing. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to get a good night’s sleep, especially if you’re only a few hours into your trip. However, relaxing while sitting or lying down can help.

Speak Up

When you have a bad trip, going off on your own isn’t a wise choice, but at the same time, large gatherings of people can be overwhelming. If you’re attending a concert, carnival, nightclub, or rave, try to choose a quieter spot with a friend or a small group.

Even if talking is tough and putting your feelings into words is challenging, try to let someone know you have a bad trip. Choose someone who will not respond negatively to your drug use and, ideally, isn’t under the influence of alcohol or drugs themselves. Even if you’re unable to communicate, simply having someone sit with you can be relaxing.

LSD Isn’t Addictive

The majority of acid users only utilize the drug on rare occasions. Because LSD tolerance develops quickly, users may not feel intoxicated if they take the drug several days in a row. Furthermore, an individual who has had a poor experience with LSD is less inclined to use it again.

Acid users have lower rates of addiction than other drug users. Hallucinogen use disorder is diagnosed in less than 0.1 percent of the adult population. People who begin using hallucinogens during adolescence may be at a higher risk of developing an addiction. Other long-term effects of taking Acid can also happen, indicating it’s not safe to use.

Withdrawal has not been proved with the use of LSD, unlike most recreational drugs. However, the drug’s unpredictable character (even among experienced users) helps explain why people don’t use it for long periods. However, LSD is also one of many drugs that “poly-drug users” combine with other intoxicating substances, resulting in much scarier scenarios than withdrawal pain. “Poly-drug users” refers to those who use a variety of drugs.

LSD: A Promising Future for Medicine

According to old LSD studies, LSD “washes off” the serotonin receptors – found within brain cell membranes – within 4 hours. According to modern clinical research, this is not the case, which explains dramatic LSD reactions inside the brain.

During the 1950s and 1960s, doctors tested LSD to see if it could assist patients with mental illnesses to retrieve repressed ideas and feelings. The possibility of utilizing LSD to treat medical diseases such as substance abuse, cluster headaches, and anxiety associated with life-threatening conditions has lately resurfaced again.

LSD is also a semi-synthetic derivative member of a broader class of chemical compounds used to treat migraine headaches, vaginal bleeding, and Parkinson’s disease. The researchers point out that understanding the mechanism behind LSD’s strong and long-lasting effects in the body could help drug manufacturers in many fields.

Most importantly, creating more effective psychiatric medications with fewer side effects. People are already taking LSD in increasingly small dosages that don’t create hallucinations in the hopes of boosting creativity or treating depression. Simply put, LSD could pave the way for groundbreaking discoveries and innovations in the future of medication. That, of course, is contingent on modern clinical research keeping up with clinical trials on LSD research.

Modern Science Favoring LSD

The study of hallucinogenic drugs has seen a resurgence in recent years. Several experimental studies in the United Kingdom and Switzerland (1, 2, and 3) looked at the effects of LSD on healthy people. In 2015, Swiss physician Peter Gasser published the first study looking into the clinical effects of LSD as an anxiety treatment for patients with life-threatening conditions.

Other studies have used the medicine to treat depression, addiction, and other mental illnesses like obsessive-compulsive disorder. Surprisingly, investigators observed remarkable outcomes in each short trial.

In a 2014 study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, researchers gave 15 smokers three doses of psilocybin while closely monitoring clinicians. The subjects were all heavy smokers, averaging around a pack of cigarettes each day over 31 years. Eighty percent were cigarette-free six months later, even though most smoking-cessation programs are only approximately 35 percent effective.

Something similar happened in peer-reviewed research that was published in Psychopharmacology 2015 alcoholism study. Similarly, many of the ten subjects of this experiment experienced a notable decline in their drinking habits for at least nine months after one or two psilocybin sessions. It’s essential to mention that in both experiments, researchers used psilocybin doses with therapy.

How Acid Benefits Users

Here are some reasons why scientists believe it works: There’s a drop in blood flow and electrical activity in the brain’s “default mode network” when someone uses a psychedelic. This is in the frontal and prefrontal cortex. The default mode network controls our ego or sense of self, which “lights up” when we fantasize or self-reflect.

Our default mode network slows down when we trip. The boundaries between self and world, subject and object, disappear when the ego is disabled. These events could be linked to a phenomenon known as the “initial mystical experience,” linked to positive treatment outcomes.

These experiences include a “transcendence of time and space,” a feeling of unity and holiness, and a strongly felt pleasant mood, according to Matthew Johnson, a principal investigator in Johns Hopkins’ psilocybin investigations. Many of our little habitual thoughts and obsessions are caused by the default mode network. Psychedelics reduce anxiety by relaxing the region of the brain that causes us to obsess. They can also help “loosen, if not shatter,” the biological circuits that drive addictive behaviour.

There’s also an upsurge in activity across sections of the brain that don’t ordinarily communicate β€” a phenomenon known as “cross-talk” by scientists. That could explain why we hallucinate while taking psychedelics: the visual-processing centers of the brain interact strangely with the regions of the brain that control our thoughts and emotions.

LSD Dose Guide

A dose of 1-3 micrograms per kilogram of body weight is sufficient for most people to have a mild trip. If you’ve never used Acid before, starting with a lower dose may be a better method to see how your body reacts. Heavy amounts of LSD can cause intense highs that can make you feel sick or uncomfortable.

It’s difficult to determine how much LSD is in any product you take without chemical testing. A quarter-inch tab of blotter paper, for example, typically holds 30-100 micrograms. The acid content of an LSD gelatin, or “windowpane,” maybe slightly higher per piece. They typically contain 50-150 micrograms.

A Quick Summary

If you’re thinking about trying Slippery Wizard Mayan LSD 125 Mcg this weekend, make sure you’re aware of the risks β€” both bodily and mentally β€” before you take any. Although many people tolerate acid trips well, unpleasant trips and other undesirable side effects are also possible.

If you decide to take Acid, make arrangements for a friend to accompany you on your trip. It’s better if they remain sober until you have entirely recovered from the drug, or at least until you’re feeling stable. They can keep you safe and reassured of your reality if you start to encounter any unwanted effects. This way, you’ll be having a good time without having to worry about the what-ifs. However, assuming that LSD is only suitable for recreational use is wrong!

Modern studies have proven there’s much more to Acid than what meets the eye. This means you could be taking your doctor-advised Wreck Beach Dancing Bears LSD 100 Mcg to help treat your mental or physical difficulties. Therapists are already integrating psychedelics into their patients’ lives and helping them manage their problems through follow-up treatment methods.

Undeniably, these drugs would need to be strictly controlled. Even the layman surely knows they’re far too powerful to be left to the free market. However, that isn’t an excuse for inaction. If used correctly, psychedelics can deliver a lifetime of perspective in an afternoon, so why should we just stand around and watch an opportunity so valuable pass by? 

Last But Not Least

Fake LSD comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. In reality, any phenethylamine hallucinogen that lasts longer than six hours and can be blotted on blotter paper can be marketed as LSD. The dangers of taking fake LSD are far riskier than you may imagine. You could experience seizures, pain, and in extreme cases, even death.

You don’t want such a fate to befall you, do you? Put your trust in a certified dispensary with world-class and lab-tested LSD blotters to enjoy your trip without having to worry about health risks associated with taking fake LSD. Send us an email at [email protected] or call us at 778-319-1940 to get your favourite blotter today!

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