Motion sickness is a condition that affects many people, primarily women and children younger than five. Although it is not a significant problem in everyday life, nausea and vomiting can be a hassle if you travel on a car, bus, boat, train, or plane.
As a result, researchers are now discovering that cannabidiol (CBD), a natural hemp substance, may effectively prevent motion sickness symptoms. CBD for motion sickness has the advantages of being safe, effective, and generating far less sleepiness than prescription medications.
Using CBD to prevent motion sickness may also be a beneficial alternative for people who experience severe nausea or other motion sickness symptoms when exposed to unusual motion from a moving vehicle.
CBD is a powerful therapeutic chemical derived from the cannabis plant. The endocannabinoid system regulates nausea, which accounts for a large part of CBD products’ medical efficacy in reducing nausea and vomiting caused by motion sickness.
Find out all the things you need to know when using CBD for motion sickness by reading on.
Motion sickness and its causes
Moving through space can cause intense nausea and vomiting, which researchers classify as “motion sickness.” Motion sickness can mostly occur while on a car ride or boat ride.
People are most likely to experience motion sickness symptoms while traveling by vehicle, train, boat, or moving vehicle. Motion sickness affects a large number of people all around the world. Moreover, car sickness, seasickness, and air sickness can cause considerable discomfort while not life-threatening.
Because of unknown causes, experts believe that certain groups of people are more susceptible to symptoms of motion sickness than other groups. For example, women are more prone than males to have motion sickness when traveling. Individuals who suffer from migraines, especially vestibular migraine, are also at greater risk of developing a stroke.
How does motion sickness work?
To understand how motion sickness works, you must first understand how our bodies maintain their equilibrium. There are several sensory organs at work in your body, which are constantly transmitting data to your brain. They provide information on how quickly you are moving, what position your limbs are in, and in which direction gravity is pulling your body.
The difficulty is that these sensory organs are not always in sync with one another. As a result, some people experience nausea, dizziness, and vomiting due to these conflicting messages.
For instance, motion sickness can arise during a flight when the central nervous system receives conflicting signals. If a person is feeling dizzy while attempting to read a book in the car, this is an excellent example to consider. Their sensory systems, such as skin pressure receptors and inner ear, pick up on the motion, but their eyes are only recording the stationary pages of the book as they turn the pages.
Some people may go on an aircraft without feeling nauseous, while others may become motion sick if they are in the same situation. Even if motion sickness can affect people of any age, car sickness is more frequent in two and older youngsters. Although most of these kids grow out of the problem, others do not.
Research about motion sickness
According to a 2014 research by James R. Lackner, published in the journal Experimental Brain Research, motion sickness involves more than just nausea and vomiting.
Lackner classified the disease as a complex syndrome, meaning that it encompasses a wide range of symptoms in addition to nausea and vomiting. As per the researcher, sleep deprivation may increase a person’s risk of having symptoms of motion sickness.
Lackner included a list of other symptoms of motion sickness in his study. It includes drowsiness, an increase in salivation, unbearable pain, changes in the hue of one’s skin, headache, and cold sweats.
In addition, Lackner also wrote about sopite syndrome, which he described as a form of motion sickness that is rarely acknowledged. This condition is characterized by persistent weariness and sleepiness. It mainly occurs when exposed to low-intensity motion stimulation or ‘very provocative’ stimulation for a short period.
The condition may include yawning as well, that it can linger for several hours or even days. Moreover, Lackner feels that most motion sickness incidents go unnoticed.
The majority of the time, motion sickness is minimal and easily treated. If a motion sickness sufferer has a severe episode that threatens to deteriorate, they should consult with an expert in ear illnesses, balance difficulties, and the neurological system.
When attempting to diagnose the disease, a physician will inquire about the patient’s symptoms of motion sickness and try to pinpoint when the problem occurs.
A recent study also reveals that CBD may be a feasible option for treating motion sickness and resolving specific symptoms in some people. Remember that motion sickness does not have a single identifiable cause, and the stimuli that induce it might differ from person to person.
Research about CBD for motion sickness
Animal experiments suggest that a clear link has been shown between the endocannabinoid system and the part of the brain responsible for regulating nausea and vomiting.
Other medications have developed chemicals that interfere with the brain’s other cannabinoids, such as the endocannabinoid (CB1) receptors. More research recently examined one medicine to see if it may be used as a weight-loss treatment.
Even though CBD assisted patients in losing weight, high doses also caused them to feel extremely sick and experienced symptoms of motion sickness such as nausea and vomiting.
Specifically, the findings of many clinical trials gave evidence that the endocannabinoid system is involved in regulating the region in the brain responsible for nausea and vomiting.
Effective treatment options for regulating nausea and other motion sickness symptoms can be done with over-the-counter medications. However, some prescription medications or natural remedies can have serious negative safety and side effects.
What the science says about CBD and Motion Sickness
Research suggests that CBD may be able to treat nausea induced by stress or intestinal illnesses because of the endocannabinoid system’s ability to connect the physical and emotional relationship between the stomach and the central nervous system.
Researchers have known since the discovery of the endocannabinoid system that this network of cannabinoid receptor sites plays a crucial role in regulating nausea and vomiting.
One possible reason to try CBD for motion sickness is that users have found CBD for nausea is both fast-acting and, practical, encouraging. Individuals claim that taking over-the-counter or prescription medicine at least 30 minutes before flying can help prevent them from getting motion sickness, although 60 minutes is the recommended time frame. On the other hand, CBD edibles and CBD vaping are thought to provide even quicker outcomes.
Because CBD’s antiemetic qualities are particularly well suited for treating dizziness, nausea, and vomiting associated with bouts of motion sickness.
While there is no conclusive proof that CBD effectively reduces motion sickness, studies have shown that it can help to lessen some of the symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, associated with the condition.
In a 2014 study, researchers looked at the effects of a medication called dexamethasone on those who suffer from motion sickness. They already knew that the medicine was effective, but they were interested in learning how it worked.
The researchers discovered that motion sickness causes the endocannabinoid system to be suppressed. Drugs such as dexamethasone, on the other hand, improved their effectiveness.
They concluded that persons suffering from motion sickness need something to stimulate the ECS, which would reduce the severity of the signs and symptoms. A better way to stimulate the endocannabinoid system is by using plant-derived chemicals that bind to the CB1 receptors.
According to a 2011 review of research on the effects of cannabinoids on nausea and vomiting, both THC and CBD showed a great deal of promise in treating a variety of nausea and vomiting symptoms.
So far, there have been no scientific trials conducted to determine the usefulness of CBD for motion sickness. However, research on other animals has demonstrated that CBD can alleviate nausea by activating the endocannabinoid system, which can be blocked while suffering from motion sickness.
How does CBD for motion sickness work?
It is via decarboxylation that the CBD molecule becomes activated and gains a variety of beneficial properties for both the body and the mind. Its effects include preventing seizures, lowering inflammation, reducing pain, and treating IBD and Chron’s diseases.
CBD can also help people with autism and those who suffer from depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Lastly, stress and panic attacks can also be alleviated through the help of CBD.
When you consume CBD, it attaches to receptors known as CB1 and CB2, which then transmit signals to the brain, enhancing the nervous system’s activity as a whole.
CBD works by stimulating the activity of a biological mechanism known as the endocannabinoid system, which governs pain management, sleep, hunger, and inflammation, among others.
We now understand that the endocannabinoid system, also known as the ECS, plays a significant role in treating nausea and vomiting in patients. As a result, CBD can enhance its effectiveness and has a great deal of promise in treating motion sickness.
How to take CBD for motion sickness
Most motion-sickness medications must be taken at least an hour before the nausea-inducing activity, which might be anything from a car ride to a flight. Things are a little different when taking CBD for motion sickness. Some kinds of CBD have immediate benefits, while others take longer.
For example, inhaling or vaping CBD and putting on a CBD transdermal patch can give instant relief from nausea and other symptoms. Other types of CBD are more difficult to absorb into your system., though.
Thus, if you take CBD capsules or edibles or insert CBD drops under your tongue, you should do so for around 30 minutes to an hour to avoid nausea or vomiting from motion sickness.
Because motion sickness is a one-time occurrence, you do not need to use CBD daily to experience relief. Moreover, it implies that you may not stick to low doses. However, if you use CBD for the first time, it’s usually a good idea to take on a limited dose range and gradually increase your dosage.
Five or ten milligrams are generally sufficient to determine how effectively your body responds to the CBD dosage. If you are not experiencing any adverse side effects such as increased hunger or diarrhea, you can gradually raise the dose until you are experiencing enough pain relief.
Of course, it is better to speak with a medical professional educated about CBD to receive a dose suggestion that is appropriate for your size, age, and health condition.
There are very few adverse effects of CBD, making it a safe medication for motion sickness. Tiredness and lethargy appear to be probable side effects of using CBD. However, it is essential to remember that these are side effects.
Even though many people may experience such side effects, most people who use CBD never have to worry about it making them fatigued. When you compare this to the antihistamines typically given for motion sickness, you will notice that CBD leaves you feeling far less sleepy.
Antihistamines are known to cause drowsiness. CBD can also make you drowsy, but it is pretty unlikely and far more preventable than the side effects of antihistamines.
Are you going on a long ride and are afraid of being motion sick? Shop from our CBD products here at Ahuevo! With all the information we have provided above, you can rest assured that our CBD products are safe to use for motion sickness. You can also check out our Mota CBD Sleep Tincture if you want to have a nice sleep along your long journey.